Skincare in Spring



It’s been Spring-time for almost a week and today I made space for something I like to do at the start of every season, which is to check in with my skin and delineate a couple of changes I’ll be introducing to my skincare routine going from cold and harsh weather to the warmer days.

Something simple because I’m not a huge fan of the 10-step skincare routine despite being a skincare creator:

✔️Introducing products with lighter consistencies, that yet feel very protective, seems like the most natural adjustment.

✔️I also favor products that provide a strong replenishing, regenerating and antioxidant action for skin that will see more hours of sun and environmental exposure (and therefore damage). The Extrait de Maison Biodynamic® Face Oil is without a doubt the perfect product for this and why I created it.

✔️I’ll combine it with a water-based serum in gel or milk format to supply deep humectancy through natural moisturizing factors, sugars and mucilage (I started using the Pastoralia Spring sequence hydro-gel that Ally from Heart of Gold kindly sent me and it feels lovely in combination with the EdM Face Oil 🤗).

✔️Hydrosols, or distilled plant waters, are also a personal favorite to refresh and hydrate not only the face but also the whole body, including the hair.

✔️I’ll be ramping up my sunscreen use as summer gets closer, especially because I’m going to be spending more time outdoors. However I try to start my days exposing my bare skin to the sun early in the morning to benefit from the gentle angles of the sun’s rays activating my circadian rhythms and also outside the harsh UVB zone of 10am-3pm.

But first, I drafted a simple two-step ritual to support the skin in my face, neck and décolletage in this transition: an herbal steam followed by a mask that I’m sharing here with you. Try it out, if you can access the suggested herbs and ingredients they’re incredibly renewing!


Facial steams stimulate good blood flow and the synergy of these selected herbs provides a revitalizing effect:

CALENDULA FLOWERS are well known for their vulnerary (healing) action, and also for their gentle stimulating and decongestant effects.

CHRYSANTHEMUM BLOSSOMS have soothing and brightening effects.

MALVA FLOWERS excel at softening and rejuvenating dry, sensitive skin.

FENNEL SEEDS are rich in volatile compounds with toning and cleansing properties.

You can strain the remaining herbal water and use it to tone the skin after the mask.

Steps to follow:

A. Place a hand full of the blend of herbs into a bowl.

B. Bring filtered water to a boil, remove from heat, and pour over the herbs.

C. Let them steep for a couple of minutes, tie your hair up and do a preliminary cleanse.

D. Find a comfortable seat and check the temperature of the steam. If not too hot, position your face over the steam and place a towel over your head.

E. Relax and breath deep for 5 minutes (if your skin is delicate or have capillaries close to the skin surface - don’t get you face too close to the steaming herbs).

As soon as you finish steaming and while you face is still damp, apply a thin layer of the following mask, or any mask you have at hand. This is the one I created for myself today.



BUTTERMILK contains naturally occurring lactic acid, which acts like a mild exfoliant to remove dead skin buildup, giving you soft, smooth skin (3 PARTS).

MARSHMALLOW ROOT is known as the great mucilage and emollient, making the skin soft and supple (2 PARTS).

CRANBERRY POWDER provides everything the skin loves: antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids (2 PARTS).

PINK CLAY is my favorite clay because it’s the gentlest. Cleansing, healing, and refreshing. All clays are effective at drawing out impurities, but some are gentler than others and pink clay is the clay you want to be using if you have delicate skin (1 PART).


A. I activated it with chamomile hydrosol, but you simply add warm water, or get more creative and mix it with honey or an oil like the EdM serum.

B. Leave for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

C. Layer your skincare: mist a hydrosol, a toner, or the herbal water from the steam (before throwing it away since it won’t last more than a day fresh) followed by an oil serum.

I hope you try it out and enjoy!

