What is Supportive Skincare?


A simple, often overlooked approach to Skincare

I believe that supportive skincare is the most contemporary version of beauty there is. You may have heard the term before in connection to natural beauty, but I’ll explain why we use it to describe our company philosophy and the overarching work that goes in our product development.

Testing and mixing various biodynamic plant oils

Testing and mixing various biodynamic plant oils

Because I wholeheartedly subscribe to this concept, to me, supportive skincare is synergistic skincare: the creation of intelligent plant synergy within a bottle that is able to provide harmony for your skin. I believe aspiring for a harmonious, well-balanced complexion is more sensible than to aspire to try to reverse or stop the signs of time. The wrinkles around your eyes, or your mouth are a testament to having smiled and lived and enjoyed life in a full way. 😉 Plus, most skin conditions result both simply and complexly from our largest organ being out of balance, so, usually, when you bring back the balance, you bring back its wholesomeness.

Curiously, the lipids in plants closely mirror those in human skin, so plant oils and extracts, when well-researched and synergistically formulated, lend themselves particularly well to delivering harmony back to the skin. Understanding closely the chemistry and mechanisms of both plants and our skin plays a big role in supportive skincare formulation, which supports and nurtures what the skin already knows how to do by itself: self-regulate.

For this synergy between supportive skincare and the skin to occur, only simple, yet fresh and vibrant ingredients are essential. This is the main reason we recently started our own biodynamic herb garden, to be able to have first-hand access to high quality, integral plant materials that will be at the core of our formulations. I will be sourcing the rest of the ingredients from like-minded suppliers. Ah! By the way, we will also mindfully forage some species like nettle, plantain, red clover and lemon balm that thrive naturally on the land in France.

Biodynamic Rose and Calendula seen here as part of a trial infusion

Biodynamic Rose and Calendula seen here as part of a trial infusion

While we do this, we will be regenerating a piece of land that hasn’t been used for many years and nourishing its ecological biodiversity (adding plants into the world and creating work for pollinators like bees and birds). Supportive skincare also strives for harmony with the environment, where there is a balanced give and take between what we take out of the ground and what we put into it. Nature is our raw material so it is our responsibility to keep the natural environment intact, while creating a product that not only provides a efficacy, but also supports long-term environmental balance. To me, those with this mindset are the skincare formulators of the future.

